Before contacting with technical questions and bug reports, please:
Make sure that you have the most recent version. To do this, select Help > About in the main menu. If you have an old version, please update the software.
problem description along with the actions being taken before the problem occurred;
AnyPassword version
(see the About window);
your operating system version
(including service packs and other installed fixes or patches).
You can also send a message with your ideas regarding AnyPassword improvements
(new features, functionality, etc.)
If you have questions about ordering or payment, please visit the Customer Care Center.
Contact Form
It is highly desirable that you use this form rather than send an email message. Make sure that you give us the correct email address; otherwise, we won't be able to reply.
If for some reason you cannot or don't want to use the contact form, you can also submit support requests by email: